to Andy Warhol | by Mick Jagger

Andy Warhol

This has to be the any creative’s dream request for proposal…

Dear Andy,

I’m really pleased you can do the art-work for our new hits album. Here are two boxes of material which you can use, and the record.

In my short sweet experience, the more complicated the format of the album, e.g. more complex than just pages or fold-out, the more fucked-up the reproduction and agonising the delays. But, having said that, I leave it in your capable hands to do what ever you want…… and please write back saying how much money you would like.

Doubtless a Mr. Al Steckler will contact you in New York, with any further information. He will probably look nervous and say “Hurry up” but take little notice.

Love, Mick Jagger


Comments (13)


  1. Sophie says:

    Lovely, lovely, lovely!!! Great find thank you so much!!

  2. Благодарю!!!У Вас часто появляются очень интересные посты! Очень поднимаете мое настроение.

    Thanks!!! You often have very interesting posts! it lift my mood

  3. мне нра) хорошая идея.

    Good idea

  4. FilmFox says:

    ну да, неплохой пост :).

    A quite good post.

  5. Interesting article. Were did you got all the information from… :)

  6. koshelek says:

    И creative justice…suрer!

  7. И правда креатив…супер!

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